Rewriting A Familiar Story

After two decades of losing and regaining the same 40-60 lbs of the same 100 lbs I have to lose, I hit rock bottom when I entered my sixties, and the weight-related health problems started piling up. I had spent years vacillating between the equally harmful diet and anti-diet cultures, looking for solutions for my trauma-induced emotional overeating that ultimately led to long-term obesity.

In 2025, at age 62, I decided to take back control and embarked on my final journey to a healthier weight. I realized that I had to lose weight how I wanted to live. I stopped calorie counting, quit refined sure (my kryptonite), and started focusing on eating three delicious meals a day, paying attention to my hunger/satiation signals, creating the needed calorie deficit by skipping dinner 2-3 times a week, and building up my stamina and strength.

I designed a Weight Loss Planner and Companion Journal to help me stay on track and write about my feelings instead of eating them! You are welcome to purchase the planner or journal, to help with your own weight loss journey.

Much love and fortitude,

Kerstin xo

Willingness to feel is the #1 predictor of eating behavior change. If you have the skills to be with cravings and emotions, and not have to fix them, then you’re in the driver’s seat.
Josh Hillis
The real work lies in the unravelling of decades of last-supper mentality, guilt and resistance, while fostering emotional resilience and gentle healing.
— Kerstin (me!)